"I will espouse you for ever." (Hos 2:19)
A meditation on God’s wisdom: human marriage and spousal covenant in Jesus Christ,
A Universal Call to Holiness
June 4-7, 2020
Community of St. John
11223 W. Legion Hall Rd, Princeville IL 61559
Preached by br. Hugh-Mary, c.s.j.
Thursday, June 4
6:00-7:00 pm Welcome and room assignments
7:15 1st talk (Conference center)
8:00-9:00 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Brothers’ chapel)
As you desire
Friday, June 5
6:15-7:00 am Silent prayer (Brothers’ chapel) As you desire
7:00 Morning Prayer (Brothers’ chapel)
7:30-9:00 Breakfast in self-service
10:15 2nd talk (Conference center)
11:30 Midday Prayer (Brothers’ chapel)
11:45 Holy Mass (Brothers’ chapel)
1:00 pm Lunch (Brothers’ refectory), followed by dishes
2:00-2:30 Free time
2:30 Way of the Cross (Brothers’ chapel)
3:45 Free time
4:15 3rd talk (Conference center)
5:30 Evening Prayer (Brothers’ chapel)
6:00 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Brothers’ chapel)
Confessions available (Chapel confessional and Parlor)
7:00 Light supper (Brothers’ refectory), followed by dishes
8:00 4th talk (at Conference center)
9:00 Compline (Brothers’ chapel)
Saturday, June 6
6:15-7:00 am Silent prayer
7:00 Morning Prayer
7:30-9:00 Breakfast in self-service
9:15 Lectio divina with the Brothers and Sisters in groups
10:15 5th talk
11:30 Midday Prayer
11:45 Holy Mass
1:00 pm Lunch, followed by dishes
2:00-4:15 Free time or spiritual direction with the Brothers and Sisters
4:15 6th talk
5:30 Evening Prayer
6:00 Holy Hour
Confessions available
7:00 Supper, followed by dishes
8:00 7th talk
9:00 Compline
** 9.15 – 10.45 p.m. Blessed Sacrament exposed
Sunday, June 7
5:30 am Office of Readings Optional
6:15-7:00 am Silent prayer
7:00 Morning Prayer
7:30-9:00 Breakfast in self-service
9:45 8th talk
11:00 Midday Prayer
11:15 Holy Mass
1:00 pm Lunch, followed by dishes
2:00 End of retreat