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Ave Verum Corpus (Unison and Three-Part Harmony)

Writer's picture: Br Benedict TarcisiusBr Benedict Tarcisius

As in many places the Solemnity of Jesus' Most Holy Body and Blood is celebrated the Thursday after Trinity Sunday, I share with you today my own rendition of this classic 14th century Eucharistic Hymn, attributed to Pope Innocent VI (first part in unison, second part in three voices). God bless you!


AVE verum Corpus natum

De Maria Virgine:

Vere passum, immolatum

In cruce pro homine:

Cuius latus perforatum

Fluxit aqua et sanguine:

Esto nobis praegustatum

Mortis in examine.

O Iesu dulcis! O Iesu pie!

O Iesu Fili Mariae.

(Poetic English Translation:)

HAIL, true Body, truly born

Of the Virgin Mary mild

Truly offered, wracked and torn,

On the Cross for all defiled,

From Whose love pierced, sacred side

Flowed Thy true Blood's saving tide:

Be a foretaste sweet to me

In my death's great agony.

O my loving, Gentle One,

Sweetest Jesus,

Mary's Son.

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