Dear friends,
Here is the schedule for the Women's Retreat. Any women who have not registered for the retreat are still welcome to come to the talks.
Be Holy for I am holy (1 Pt. 1:16)
Women’s Retreat
March 27 – 30, 2025
Preached by Fr. Anthony Mary, c.s.j
Thursday, March 27
6.00-7:00 pm Arrival and welcome
7:15 1st talk (Conference Center)
8:00-9:00 Holy Hour (Brs’ chapel)
9:00 Holy Mass (For the retreatants and their intentions - optional)
Friday, March 28
6:10-6:50 am Silent prayer (Brs’ chapel - optional)
6:50 Lauds (Morning Prayer) (Brs’ chapel)
7:20-9:00 Breakfast (self-service at the Brs’ refectory)
9:00-10:00 2nd talk (Conference Center)
10:15-11:15 Personal Prayer Time and /or Spiritual Direction
11:30 Holy Mass (Brs’ chapel)
12:30 pm Sext (Midday Prayer) (Brs’ chapel)
12:45 Lunch (Brs’ refectory - followed by dishes and table setting)
2:00-4:00 Free time / Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (Brs’ chapel) and /or Spiritual Direction
4:15 Lectio Divina (Conference Centre – optional)
5:30 Vespers (Evening Prayer) (Brs’ chapel)
6:00 Adoration (Brs’ chapel)
7:00 Supper (Brs’ refectory - followed by dishes and breakfast setting)
8:00 3rd talk (at Conference Center)
9:00 Compline (Brs’ chapel)
Saturday, March 29
6:10-6:50 am Silent prayer (Brs’ chapel - optional)
6:50 Lauds (Morning Prayer) (Brs’ chapel)
7:20-9:00 Breakfast (self-service at the Brs’ refectory)
9:00-10:00 4th talk (Conference Center)
10:15-11:15 Personal Prayer Time and /or Spiritual Direction
11:30 Holy Mass (Brs’ chapel)
12:30 pm Sext (Midday Prayer) (Brs’ chapel)
12:45 Lunch (Brs’ refectory - followed by dishes and table setting)
2:00-4:00 Free time / Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (Brs’ chapel) and /or Spiritual Direction
4:15 Lectio Divina (Conference Centre – optional)
5:30 Vespers (Evening Prayer) (Brs’ chapel)
6:00 Adoration (Brs’ chapel)
7:00 Supper (Brs’ refectory - followed by dishes and breakfast setting)
8:00 5th talk (at Conference Center)
9:00 Compline (Brs’ chapel)
Sunday, March 30
6:10-6:50 am Silent prayer (Brs’ chapel - optional)
6:50 Lauds (Morning Prayer) (Brs’ chapel)
7:20-8:00 Breakfast (self-service at the Brs’ refectory)
9:00 Holy Mass (Brs’ chapel)
11:00 6th talk (Conference Center)
12:30 pm Sext (Midday Prayer) (Brs’ chapel)
12:45 Lunch (followed by dishes)
2:00 End of retreat!