This retreat will be preached by Fr. Thomas, csj.
Join us for a weekend retreat lived with other young adults in the silence of religious life. The schedule includes daily Mass, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, meditative reading of the Holy Scripture, spiritual talks, free time, etc.
"Pilgrims of Hope": This retreat aims to help you to spiritually prepare your heart and mind for the graces of the upcoming Jubilee Year, as indicated by our Holy Father, Pope Francis.
Retreat Schedule
“Pilgrims of Hope”
December 13-15
Preached by Fr. Thomas csj.
Friday Dec. 13 7:00-8:00 pm Arrival
8:15 1st talk
9:00 Compline
9:15 Mass (Optional)
Saturday Dec. 14 6:10-6:50 am Silent prayer (optional)
6:50 Lauds (Morning Prayer)
7:20-9:00 Breakfast in self-service
9:15 Lectio Divina (meet at Conference Center)
10:15 2nd talk
11:30 Holy Mass
12:30 Sext (Midday Prayer)
12:45 pm Lunch, followed by dishes
2:00-4:00 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, or Free time, or Spiritual Direction
4:15 3rd talk
5:30 Vespers (Evening Prayer)
6:00 Holy Hour; Confessions available
7:00 Supper, followed by dishes
8:00 Small Groups - “Discussions about Hope”
9:00 Compline
Sunday Dec. 15 6:10-6:50 am Silent prayer (optional)
6:50: Lauds (Morning Prayer)
7:20-8:00 Breakfast in self-service
9:00 Holy Mass
10:30 Lectio Divina on Christian Hope
11:30 4th talk
12:30 Sext (Midday Prayer)
12:45 pm Lunch, followed by dishes
1:45 End of retreat!